Friday, November 9, 2012

First blog post!

I am under no delusions that anyone will read this blog, or care about what I'm doing.  However, I thought it would be amusing to take the public comments of people in the press, and flip them back on the speaker by reversing his/her comments.  Let's us Harry Reid's latest comments about working with a potential President Romney:

"Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable," Mr. Reid said in a statement on Friday, trying to puncture Mr. Romney's closing election argument that he'll be able to deliver on the bipartisanship President Obama promised in 2008 but has struggled to live up to.
"Mitt Romney has demonstrated that he lacks the courage to stand up to the tea party, kowtowing to their demands time and again. There is nothing in Mitt Romney's record to suggest he would act any differently as president," Mr. Reid said. Read more: Reid says he can't work with Romney - Washington Times
So let's flip it!

"Barack Obama's fantasy that Senate Republicans will work with him to pass his 'severely liberal' agenda is laughable," Mr. Reid said in a statement on Friday.
"Barack Obama has demonstrated that he lacks the courage to stand up to the socialists, kowtowing to their demands time and again. There is nothing in Barack Obama's record to suggest he would act any differently as president," Mr. Reid said.

Hmmm.   Sounds pretty harsh, doesn't it?  Do you think that any Republican would get away with making such a comment?

So that's how I'm going to do it.  Future posts will just have the juxtaposed comments only, with the original words either at the end of the post, or just a link to the original comments.  I may or may not make comments, instead letting the comments speak for themselves.

So thanks Harry for kicking us off!  Here's looking forward to many more examples of idiocy!